Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chapter 11 - Vigil

At the end of the chapter, One thing that was interesting about this story was MacDonald's has mixed feelings about going back to Southie he lived in Colorado. He hate everything that happened there and everything he lost. He feel like it was still his home. After the vigil in Charlestown once he saw how much he could help there and Roxbury he knew it was that more important to do in his home area. He wanted and wish to have things better in Southie and help people to changed the behavior and become good people and respect each others and stop the violence. Michael is a good person and cares for people and Southie. He grew up in the place. His feeling start to get depressing about being stress to go back to southie or not. He liked being back home but all the painful memories came back with him. It is bad for him. He trying to be strong person.

"I knew someday I'd have to move back home- to Southie. It felt right being back in Southie, but I started getting depressed." (255) (259)
--- Michael want to move back to his belong home town where he grew up and take care of people in southie and want to help the southie. he love southie. 

"That how i found myself staring out at a sea of faces, looking for my brothers among the living and the dead. i was looking for the truth about their lives and about their deaths. Like me, everyone at that night's vigil will forever be looking for the truth in Southie, where nothing's what it seems." (263)
--- Michael remembered his past memories about his family and the death he been through with. he had the struggling through his life. 

- My opinion about this chapter is that it is sad that Michael have to deal with everything he have been struggled for and i feels bad for his family and where he been grew up in a bad place. In my opinion i disagree with Michael for moving back to Southie. why would he want to be there and bring the bad memories back and why don't he get a new life and move on and forget the past. The past is the past. 


  1. From Asma: I agree with you because I feel bad for Michael. He lives without his family at end when his family move away. He is alone in Southie and it is the best place in the world for him.

  2. Rachael- I actually agree with Michael for wanting to move back because of memories and thats where he grew up. But I felt bad for him because he had to watch all that happen

  3. Tanya- Yeah true, I feel the same ways as Michael feel too. I miss these memories place like fun place when I grew up in place but it changed place.

  4. i agree with all of you. that sad

  5. Srishti- I understand how he felt that way because I wanted to go back to India for my family, but at the same time, I knew that I will not be happy there because I am the only Deaf in my family and I have school here.
